Been really busy as of late so the updates are lacking, but I am going to try and fix that starting now. Training is back at full force following last month's meet, so there will be a lot more training related posts to get us started. I also have some other ideas on how to get this blog more active.
Here's a simple recap of the rest of last week's training. I didn't include any of my assistance exercises in the wrietup, simply in an effort to keep things a little more concise.
Wednesday June 26, 2013 - Deads - Reps
Deficit Deadlifts with No Belt (Standing on about a 3" block)
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 8
I felt pretty winded from the start of this workout, so I was very happy with the performance on that final set. Deadlift form is feeling right on point and all of my pulls are feeling very smooth.
If there is one thing I hate, it is pulling reps on deadlift. Anything five and over leaves me completely gassed and I could literally still feel the effects of that set at the end of my workout. Some will say I need to improve my GPP, which is always something that is worth trying to improve, but for those who can do a set of high reps on deads and recover in 5-10 minutes, I believe you are not even coming close to pushing yourself hard enough.
Thursday, June 27, 2013 - Assistance
Standing Overhead Press - Olympic Style
185 x 10
205 x 5
135 x 15
135 x 11
I do all of my standing overhead pressing in an olympic style. No need bend and a close grip. I am not claiming my lift would pass in an olympic weightlifting competition, but it would be close. I see so many people do standing overhead presses in a push-press sytle, using a shit-ton of leg drive. Unless your training for strongman competitions, you're wasting your time in my honest opinion. I am going to write more about this later.
Saturday, June 29, 2013 - Squats - Explosive
Squats (Walked Out/No Belt/No Wraps)
8 sets of triples with 325
Front Squats (No Belt)
315 x 5
365 x 3
365 x 3
First explosive squat day of this training cycle and it was a good one. The bar was moving fast and as the sets went on the weight continued to feel lighter and lighter and each set was more explosive than the last.
Fairly heavy front squats today and 365 was a new PR on front squats without using a belt. If you have never tried front squats without your belt, I encourage you to ditch the belt next time and see just how much harder they really are.
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