Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013 Training Recap - Bench - Reps

275 x 3
315 x 8 (missed on 9)

2 Board Bench
335 x 6

Floor Presses
225 x 10
275 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 1 (stopped here)

I didn't feel great warming up, but the top set on bench felt great and 315 for 8 reps is a PR for me. I absolutely hate to miss reps and I almost had 9, but couldn't quite lock it out. I am not a huge fan of board presses, but decided to do a set just for a little overload since 315 felt so good.

I am becoming a big fan of floor presses, as it is a lift I haven't really utilized to a great extent in previous training cycles, but that is changing. I allow the my arms to completely come in contact with the floor on each rep, to the point that the weight actually deloads to some extent before I press the weight back up. The weights felt good today, but for some reason on the second set of 315 something tweaked in my left pec, so I cut it off there.

It's nothing serious, and it's not the same pec I previously tore, but it was sore the day after. I don't expect it to keep from benching next week.

Finished the workout up with some tricep work, being careful to keep stress off the pec, so lots of isolation movements for high reps...

Lying Tricep Extensions with Straight Bar
kept reps at 15 and continued increasing weight until I could no longer get 15

Cable Extensions using the rope attachment
2 sets of a million reps

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